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Kurtis blow basketball ringtone

kurtis blow basketball ringtone

Ivory: Beautiful …When did you discover your musical talents and what would you be doing with your life if you weren’t doing music? Jenjer Ricci: Yea my mom is great and we still can talk about anything so, I definitely appreciate her. So that’s dope that you had your mother to encourage that As a poet and writer my self I definitely encourage using poetry as an expressive outlet, especially for the youth when you’re going through those growing pains.

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Ivory: Wow that’s amazing that your mom would encourage you to channel those feelings through writing. it started off as poetry, just writing down how I feel and then it turned into lyrics (laughter) I don’t think my mom knew she was creating a rapper at the time. So, my mother used to say write it down!. My mom actually started me writing, like I was very quiet and I didn’t really like to discuss my feelings. She raised me to be respectful and stressed the importance of education, et cetera. She was a single mom and I could speak to her about anything. As far as my mother, we have a great relationship. Ivory: Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry to hear that, my condolences. It was cool but unfortunately, he was murdered on May 14, 2017. I didn’t really start building a relationship with him until I was about 21 years old and I’m 28 now. I didn’t meet my dad until I was 6 years old and seeing him was like seeing a shooting star. Jenjer Ricci: Well I was born and raised in Irvington, NJ. Ivory: Tell me about your parents.What type of upbringing did you have? And where did you grow up?

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She nicknamed me gingerbread and I kind of just added on the Ricci. Jenjer is actually a nickname my mom gave me as a child. So tell us, where did you get the name “Jenjer Ricci”? Is it your birth name? Ivory: You’re welcome, just being one hundred percent honest. Jenjer Ricci: Wow, (laughter) Thank you so much. Ivory: Let me start off by saying I just listen to five of your tracks on YouTube along with your music videos and I must admit I love your entire style! Your sound, your flow the way you style your locs. Her smooth, flawless sounds are infectious and LV MAGAZINE is spreading it with a one on one exclusive interview with “Hip Hops Sirius” JENJER RICCI!!!! However, after speaking with this talented artist I’ve concluded she is indeed the brightest star in that night sky. The night sky of hip-hop has an abundance of artists and stars who constantly strive to continue to bring creativity to their fans. Especially in a time where the hip-hop industry, in my opinion, lacks consciousness and raw talent. It was a blessing and honor to interview an up and coming star. A star with more edge, and better bars than the one before him or her. Their sounds were timeless and unfading in a genre of music where the style, beats, and flows were constantly changing and a new star was constantly being born. Do you remember where you were and what exactly you were doing when you first heard KURTIS BLOW’s classic song “The Breaks”? How difficult was it for you to memorize SLICK RICK The Ruler’s classic “Mona Lisa” lyrics? And how many of you were in a trance the very first time you heard the NOTORIOUS B.I.G’s classic “Hypnotize” and did LIL KIM’s “Crush” help you reveal your own crush? Now, what do each and every one of these artists have in common aside from the fact that they have left unforgettable legacies in HIP HOP history?

Kurtis blow basketball ringtone